In the context of the European Year of Youth, the online event ALMA initiative: Good prospects for all young people aims at taking stock of the reinforced Youth Guarantee and at promoting the new initiative ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) among stakeholders and the wider public.

The event forms part of the European Year of Youth, and is organised by the European Commission in the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


What is ALMA? 

The ALMA initiative aims at offering disadvantaged young people not in employment, education or training, the opportunity to embark on a work-related learning experience in another EU Member State.

Such an experience will not only allow participants to develop their skill set or to network, but also to increase their confidence and build their own identity as European citizens. The stay abroad will be accompanied by personalised preparatory and follow-up guidance. Upon return to their own country, participants will thus be better equipped to enter the job market.


Two high-level roundtables and testimonials from young people will offer the opportunity to reflect on how to best tackle these challenges, and will allow participants to get acquainted with new EU initiatives in the field of youth employment.


You can follow the event via live streaming. The interpretation will be available into Czech, English, French, German, Italian and Polish.


© European Commission

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